In-person event: The summer school will take place at the SwissMap Research Station in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Arrival will take place in the evening of Sunday the 22th, and departure after lunch on Friday the 27th. Accommodation is full board in shared rooms. We are currently investigating childcare options.
Online attendance: Remote attendance will be possible, with a GatherTown space, live streaming of the lectures, and facilitated interaction with the lecturers.
Cost: We are doing our best to make the school free to attend for students, and to provide travel support. We will finalise this and provide details by the end of June.
Covid 19 measures: We will follow the federal directives for in-person events in August. All in-person participants must present a covid vaccination certificate that is valid in Switzerland. We will make self-tests available. Special cases are to be discussed with the organisers. As this is the first in-person event of the last two years for us, we will err on the side of being cautious and conservative to ensure the safety of participants, while making the online version of the event very accessible for those who cannot travel to Switzerland at the moment.