The poster session will take place on Discord. If you don’t have a link to the Discord server, write us an email!
On the allocated session, go to the discord voice channel of the poster to talk to the speaker and get a presentation. You can also arrange with them (via message on Discord, for example) to talk about the poster at a different time that’s convenient for both.
Speakers: be on your voice channel at the allocated time. Upload the poster through the #upload-posters channel on Discord.
See the list of posters below, click the title for pdf.
Tuesday, 16:45 – 18:00 CEST
A. de Oliveira Junior
Machine classification for probe-based quantum thermometryArtur Lacerda
Dephasing-enhanced transport in boundary-driven quasiperiodic chainsChung-Yun Hsieh
Resource preservability, thermodynamics, and communication.Cristian Boghiu
More on activating nonlocality through broadcasting of quantum statesFlorian Meier
Online erasure in quantum computersGiovanni Spaventa
Non-Markovianity boosts the efficiency of bio-molecular switchesHailey Jee
Characterization of multi-mode catalytic Gaussian thermal operationsJulia Boyens
Non-informative Bayesian quantum thermometryMarcelo Janovitch
Predicting work realizations in initially coherent systemsRaffaele Salvia
Quantum energy lines and the Optimal Output ergotopy problemSeyed Arash Ghoreishi
Discrimination of thermal statesSuchetana Goswami
Protecting quantum correlations in noisy channelsTanmoy Biswas
Fluctuations dissipation relations for thermodynamic distillation processesTian Zhang
Quantum correlations in timeMoein Naseri
Coherence in Quantum Computation without Entanglement
Wednesday, 8:00 – 8:55 CEST
Colin Benjamin
A thermodynamic probe of the topological phase transition in epitaxial graphene based Floquet topological insulatorHarshit Verma
Two-temperature estimation in the quantum regime: using Mach-Zehnder interferometer and quantum process frameworkCarolyn Wood
What Temperature is Schrödinger Cat?Shashaank Khanna
Which causal structures might not support a classical explanation based on any underlying physical theory
Thursday, 20:00 – 21:30 CEST
Guilherme de Sousa
Rare events collision model for open quantum systemsJonas Glatthard
Improving low-temperature thermometry with modulated probesRodolfo Soldati
Multipartite quantum correlations in a two-mode Dicke modelSinan Altinisik
Balanced gain and loss in spatially extended non-PT-symmetric multi-well potentialsKenza Hammam
Optimizing autunomous thermal machines powered by energetic coherenceJulia Boyens
Non-informative Bayesian quantum thermometryFranco Mayo
Quantum coherence and correlations in quantum thermal enginesJorge Tabanera
Bistability in quantum nanomotorsArthur M. Faria
Fluctuation Theorem for the DLD ModelDebankur Bhattacharyya
Designing an autonomous Maxwell’s demon in a double quantum dot systemMohit Lal Bera
Quantum Heat Engines with Carnot Efficiency at Maximum PowerAkram Touil
Quantum Heat Engines with Carnot Efficiency at Maximum PowerTathagata Karmakar
Stochastic path integral analysis of monitored harmonic oscillatorMeng-Zi (Myles) Huang
Thermoelectric transport at an atomic quantum point contactGabriel O. Alves
Baeysian estimation for collisional thermometrySamuel Scalet
Computable Rényi Mutual Information: Area Laws and CorrelationsDevashish Tupkary
Fundametal pathologies in Lindblad descriptions of systems weakly coupled to bathsChanelle Matadah Manfouo
Quantum-access security of the Winternitz one-time signature schemeIlia Khomchenko
Heat ratification under applied voltageShishir Khandelwal
Signatures of exceptional points in a quantum thermal machineManfredi Scalici
Preserving Quantum Correlations and Coherence with non-Markovianity